Take a Look at the Tips for RFID Smart Label Printing

One of the most important aspects that businesses need to take care of is printing and encoding smart labels year after year. But this is where multiple problems arise as the professionals are not completely aware of the processes and how things should be carried out. Every business has a unique RFID protocol that comes with variety of frequencies, inlay designs and services. To make its right use, here are certain tips that can make this printing process smoother.

Selecting the right media

The printer must be matched with the application and the media. It is the most critical aspect of RFID smart label printing and encoding. These systems are built to reduce the rate of interference in the printing process. As a result, the data integrity is completely ensured and maximum read range is achieved. When the smart label is utilized, it should protect the inlay to the printing process. The success of the process depends on this material.

Select the printer which encodes on-pitch

The RFID printers of on-pitch variety have the pitch specified on them by the manufacturer. This helps the business to save off the added steps of spreading apart the inlays before beginning the encoding. The on-pitching is successful only when the printers have highly tight mechanical tolerances, advanced RF technology, and intelligent and updated firmware. These printers also integrate pretty well with wireless networking.

Avoid foil or metal-based media

If you are making smart labels, it is better to avoid foil or metal bases. The RF signals will be reflected by the metal media and will interfere with the RFID process. These can be used in the barcode label media as they enhance the barcodes by providing higher light reflection.

Match the chip position to the printer

Every RFID designer has their specific needs and they should perform testing before printing to be assured if their needs will be met. They can test to find the best frequency, protocol, inlay manufacturer to understand what aligns best to the needs. It will be a mistake to place a large batch of smart labels on printing even before testing the best practice. The media will require optimization and it also needs to be calibrated to the printer. This will ensure the alignment and encoding is done properly.

For best results, rely only on TSC Printers RFID labels that assure quality printing and labeling.

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