Steps To Take When You Receive A Letter From The IRS

You have finally filed your taxes, exhaling signs of relief that the stress of tax season is finally over. However, not all taxpayers may be free of stress already, and some may have trouble coming. Even though the deadline may have passed, the IRS works nonstop to determine errors and suspicious activity in your returns. 

If you receive a letter from the IRS, it means they have found something troublesome. The last thing you want to see in your mailbox is a letter from the Internal Revenue Service. It is enough to make a grown man feel anxious and want to run away as far as possible. However, knowing how to deal properly with such a situation is important. 

Tax Resolution for businesses in San Mateo, CA, can help you represent before the IRS and handle the situation efficiently. 

Steps to take when you receive a letter from the IRS

  • Be proactive. 

Receiving a letter from the IRS is something that nobody wants to deal with, at least not immediately. It can be tempting to want to toss that into your dustbin or put it at the bottom of your to-do list, but the best thing you can do is be proactive and read that letter. 

For all you know, the issue may not even be as serious as you may think it to be, or better, it might be a big understanding you can solve with a response. Reading the letter immediately allows you to create a plan. 

  • Talk to your accountant. 

After you have read the letter, bring it to your accountant’s notice that you have received one. An accountant can solve any issue from the IRS. Even if the issue is not that big, you should still contact your accountant to reduce the impact. They will review the issues addressed in the letter by the IRS and find a solution to the problem. 

If you want to dispute the letter because you believe there is no fault of your own, an accountant can help you do that as well. Do not make the mistake of paying fines to the IRS without talking to an expert in San Mateo, CA, first. 

  • Watch for scams. 

The IRS never contacts a person through informal ways like social media websites or a quick text message. They usually use formal modes of communication like the mail, especially the first IRS letter comes through the mail only. Scammers may try to exploit people’s limited legal knowledge and steal money. 

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